
Analysis and Study of the Dry Layer in Torrential Rain

  • 摘要: 通过研究暴雨过程中湿度场的垂直分布,发现暴雨发生前在对流层中层(600~400 hPa)存在着一个干层。并据此深入研究了干层的时间演变、成因及引起强天气的机制等。结果表明:垂直方向上湿度的变化非常迅速;干层在暴雨发生前形成,在暴雨发生后逐渐减弱消失;暴雨过程中的干层与其它强天气(雷雨大风、冰雹)过程中的干层有明显不同;干层的上方是深厚的对流稳定层,干层的下方是深厚的对流不稳定层。


    Abstract: The vertical distribution of the humidity field in the torrential rain process is analyzed using the sounding data of three weather stations in Hunan Province during the period of June, 1974~1987. It is found that there was a layer in the middle of troposphere (600~400 hPa) before beginning of heavy rainfall. Furthermore, the feature, evolution and cause of dry layer, and their mechanism which led to heavy rainfall, are investigated. The results show that the humidity change in vertical direction was very quickly, the dry layer was formed before the heavy rainfall and would distort gradually after the heavy rainfall. Additionally, the dry layer formed in heavy rainfall was clearly different from that of the other severe convection weathers (such as severe storm and hail). There was an instable convection layer below the dry layer and a convective stability layer over the dry layer.


