
An Approach to Parameters Correcting Methods for Calculating the Climatic Productive Potenti-Alities of Crops in Mounain Areas

  • 摘要: 基于皖西大别山岳西县常年(1957~1993年)和临时测站资料以及有关的研究成果,讨论了山区作物气候生产潜力估算中有参数的计算和修正问题。给出了地形因子(海拔高度、坡向、坡度)订正后的光温水参数资料,研究了适用于大别山区不同高度上水平地表面的作物气候生产潜力计算方法,并计算了不同高度、不同坡向、不同坡度的作物气候生产潜力。


    Abstract: On the basis of the normal and temporary meteorological data (1957~1993) in Yuexi County of Dabie Mountain areas in west Anhui Province and with the help of recent research achievements, the three parameters of light, temperature and water corrected by topographic factors (sea level elevation, slope, slope direction) are obtained. As a result, a corrected scheme of calculating climatic productive potentialities of crops, which is suitable for Dabie Mountain areas concerning various altitudes, slopes and directions, is established.


