
A Method of Monitoring Grassland Resource in Qinghai Province Using Satellite Data

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了青海省草地资源卫星遥感监测的方法,该方法主要包括利用AVHRR资料,结合地面实测青草产量资料,用相关法建立青草产量监测模式,以评价青海省草地资源状况等内容。该方法业务运行效果较好。


    Abstract: A method of monitoring the grassland resource of Qinghai Province was introduced. Using timely AVHRR data and ground data, the model of monitoring output of green grass was set up, so as to evaluate the regime of grassland resource in Qinghai. The method was put into operation application around the Qinghai Lake and the southeastern Qinghai areas. The results show the method is effectiveness.


