Research on Determination of Station Indexes and Division of Regional Flood/Drought Grades in China
摘要: 根据1951~1995年各月降水资料,在全国选取8个代表站,测试了3种单站旱涝指标,并作了相互比较,认为Z指数方法最优。在此基础上,以华北地区为例,选取80个站点,探讨了能反映区域旱涝时空分布和强度的区域旱涝指标以及旱涝等级。Abstract: By use of the monthly precipitation data of eight sampling meteorological stations in China from 1951 to 1995, the three single indexes for flood and drought were tested and compared with each other. The Z-index was recognized to be optimum. On this basis, the 80 stations are selected in North China to discuss the regional indexes and grades which can reflect both the spatial and temporal distribution and intensity for regional floods and drought.