
A Study of Drought/Flood Type in Eastern China

  • 摘要: 文章利用中国东部25个站524年(1470~1993年)的旱涝级别资料分析了中国东部旱涝的空间分布,比较了EOF方法和REOF方法的不同点,研究指出可用6个中心地区的旱涝情况来补充原来划分的6种旱涝型,使得旱涝中心更明确,旱涝分布更符合实际情况,突出体现了REOF在旱涝型研究中的优点。最后给出了近五百年中国东部的主要旱涝中心及特征。


    Abstract: Spatial pattern of drought/flood was studied based on the drought/flood level time series of 524-year (1470~1993) in 25 stations of eastern China. Due to the differences between EOF and REOF methods, the improvement on the old six drought/flood types was demonstrated by using REOF analysis. It is better to show the factual drought/flood pattern and easier to study temporal characteristics by six key area. Also, the main characteristics of drought/flood in eastern China were described for last five hundred years or so.


