
The Interaction of Synoptic and Subsynoptic Scale Systems in a Torrential Rain Process

  • 摘要: 文章利用动能方程计算天气尺度与次天气尺度系统动能以及非线性动能的作用,以分析强降水系统中主要动力过程。结果表明:在暴雨系统中,存在着天气尺度和次天气尺度系统间的相互作用,次天气尺度运动增加天气尺度动能,使暴雨系统得以维持。


    Abstract: On the basis of synoptic analysis, the terms of synoptic and subsynoptic scale kinetic energy and the nonlinear kinetic energy interaction terms were calculated, respectively, in order to analyze the main dynamical process of interactions between their kinetic energies of synoptic and subsynoptic scale systems in the precipition process. The results show that the kinetic energy interactions between synoptic and subsynoptic scales exist in the torrential rain system, and the motion of subsynoptic scales increases kinetic energy of synoptic scale, and so as to support the torrential rain system


