
A Study of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Variations and Emission from the Soil Surface at Mt. Waliguan

  • 摘要: 利用非色散红外气体分析方法,在不受人为污染直接影响的瓦里关山进行了大气CO2的连续测量,给出了我国内陆高原大气CO2本底浓度的变化特征,观测表明内陆大气CO2随陆地植被的生长而有明显的日变化及季节的周期变化,其季节变化规律与全球大气CO2本底值的地理分布相一致。瓦里关山大气CO2的年增长率在1993年明显偏低,1994年又有较快的“回升”。地表CO2排放的观测研究还给出了冬季高原草甸土壤的排放特征,测量表明在冬季陆地植被光合作用基本停滞的情况下,土壤CO2的排放率相对增强,其最大排放量可达170 mg/m2·h以上。


    Abstract: By using non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) method, continuous measurements of atmospheric CO2 were carried out at Mt. Waliguan where the environment is unaffected directly by local anthropogenic pollution. The characteristics of the atmospheric background CO2 concentration variation for the inland Plateau of China were presented in this paper. The results show that is has clearly diurnal and seasonal variations related to the grown cycle of the land vegetations, and that the pattern of seasonal variation correspond with the global geographical distribution of atmospheric CO2. It is found that the increase of CO2 concentration was at a lower rate in 1993, but at a great rate in 1994. Furthermore, the emission rates of CO2 from the Plateau grassland soil were also measured. The results show that the CO2 emission rate from the soil surface increases relatively in winter with the largest value of above 170 mg/m2·h when the photosynthesis of vegetation is essentially stagnant.


