
The Seasonal Rapid Changes of Global Potential Energy at Different Latitudes

  • 摘要: 利用1980~1988年ECMWF的资料,计算了对流层500 hPa、300 hPa和平流层100 hPa逐日和月平均的纬向平均有效位能(PZ),分析其季节过渡,比较不同纬度带的季节性急变。结果表明,在4月和10月附近,各纬度带上均可出现PZ的急变。而且用逐日资料还可分析出6月急变。在北半球对流层高层(100 hPa)PZ的季节性急变不如低层(500 hPa)明显,而在南半球PZ的季节性急变与北半球相反,高层比低层明显。


    Abstract: Utilizing the data of monthly mean of the zonal potential energy (PZ) over the entire globe at different latitudes and levels, the seasonal rapid changes (SRC) in the entire circulation in terms of these potential energy modes have been investigated. The results show that seasonal rapid changes of PZ take place generally in April and October at every latitude, and the rapid changes in June also are analysed by using daily data. As to upper and lower levels, the seasonal rapid changes of PZ at lower level (500 hPa) are more obviously than those at upper level (100 hPa) of the Northern Hemisphere, and it is opposite to the Southern Hemisphere


