
A Study on the Criterion for Interpreting Typhoon Heavy Rain Location

  • 摘要: 在倾斜涡度发展理论所推得的强降水判据(MPV1<0同时MPV2>0)指导下,对不同路径,结构不同的登陆台风的若干实例进行了暴雨落区的解释,最后初步总结了业务化实用的判据。结果表明,理论判据中湿位涡水平分量MPV2,用其分量即非地转部分MPV′2代替更为适宜。文中还提出了在台风倒槽的顶部,是台风与西风带系统相互作用最活跃的地方,易生次天气尺度及中尺度扰动,表现为MPV1与MPV′2的骤增,往往是突发性暴雨的生成之地。


    Abstract: Under the heavy rain criterion (MPV10), which are deduced from developing theory of slantwise vorticity, the several examples of landing typhoon with different tracks and structures have been interpreted on the heavy rain location. On the base of summing up the operational criterion, it is found that horizonal component of the wet potential vorticity MPV2 had better be replaced by the non-geostrophic component MPV2’ of it. Meanwhile, it is also mentioned that the top of typhoon inverted trough is the most active area of the typhoon interacting with westerly belt system, where the sub-synoptic scale and mesoscale disturbances appear frequently. Furthermore, it is shown that owing to rapid increasing of the vertical component of wet potential vorticity MPV1 and MPV2’, sudden heavy rain will probably happen in this area


