
Variation of Temperature and Precipitation During the Last Forty Years in Jilin Province

  • 摘要: 选用吉林省有代表性的10个测站,用功率谱方法分析其40年来季节降水和气温趋势变化。结果表明,吉林省气候短周期变化与东亚季风的年际振荡准3.5年(QTO)和准2年(QBO)周期基本是一致的。10年际季节气温变化表明,冬季较50年代明显变暖,升温2℃左右,而夏季升温较弱,但与50~70年代的夏季低温周期相比,80年代以来则进入一个相对暖的周期。夏季副热带季风进退对吉林省的夏季气温和降水影响很大。


    Abstract: Using data set of ten representative stations in Jilin Province for 40 years and the power spectral method, the seasonal variations of precipitation and temperature were analyesed, respectively. The results show that the period of a short-term climatic change in Jilin is almost consistent with that of the interannual oscillation of quasi-3.5-year (QTO) and quasi-biennial (QBO) of East Asia monsoon. Furthermore, it is found that the seasonal temperature got warm clearly about 2oC higher than that of the 1950s in winter, but weakly in summer. As compared with the low temperature period in summer from the 1950s to the 1970s, the temperature was a relative warm during the period of 1980s. Also, progression or retrogression of subtropical summer monsoon has a great effect on the temperature and precipitation of the summer in Jilin.


