
The Change of Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover and Its Impact on Summer Rainfalls in China

  • 摘要: 利用1973~1995年北半球卫星雪盖资料,研究了北半球、欧亚和北美3个地区雪盖的气候特征及其变化趋势,指出在70年代是雪盖变化明显扩张时期,1978年达到最高值。80年代以来雪盖逐步收缩,1986年以后持续低于正常。对东亚雪盖与我国夏季降水相关分析的结果表明。东亚冬季雪盖与长江中下游至江南地区夏季降水量呈显著反相关;春季雪盖对中国夏季降水的影响与冬季有所不同,显著的反相关区出现在45°N以北的东北和西北地区。


    Abstract: Based on the Northern Hemispheric snow cover data from 1973 to 1995, climatologic characteristics and changes of snow cover extent over the Northern Hemisphere, Eurasia and North America are studied. It is found that 1970s is a period of snow cover expansion with the maximum in 1978. After 1980s, snow cover decreased significantly. Correlation analysis shows that East Asia winter snow cover is negatively correlated to summer precipitation in the areas from the Mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River to south of it. Spring snow cover is significantly correlated to rainfalls in northern Xinjiang and northern Northeast China. Significant reverse correlations were found between East Asia winter snow cover and the Meiyu duration when ENSO years are excluded.


