
A Study on Radiation Budget of the Winter Wheat Field in Tibet Plateau

  • 摘要: 通过对青藏高原冬小麦田净全辐射各分量的观测资料分析,论述了净全辐射及其各分量的日变化特征;计算得出冬小麦抽穗—乳熟期麦田平均反射率为13.3%,净全辐射占总辐射百分率:白天75%,包括夜间67.4%;指出了净全辐射和总辐射间存在良好的线性关系,给出了由总辐射计算净全辐射的经验公式。


    Abstract: The components of radiation budget in the winter wheat field in Tibet Plateau were measured from June to August, 1995, and then their diurnal variations were analysed. The results showed that the average net radiation was 75% of the global radiation in daytime or 67.4% of the global radiation including day and night during the measuring period. A linear relationship between net radiation and global radiation which can used to calculate net radiation from global radiation was established


