A Case Study of Typhoon Torrential Rain
摘要: 文章对1994年7月12~13日一次登陆台风造成的华北暴雨作了天气动力学诊断分析。分析表明,9406号台风登陆后,台风和太平洋副热带高压间形成的偏东南风低空急流,具有明显超地转特征,它是触发这次台风暴雨的关键系统。Q矢量诊断表明,Q矢量辐合区与暴雨位置较为一致。Abstract: In this paper, a case of typhoon torrential rain over North China is analysed using synoptic and Dynamic diagnostic method. The analysis reveals that a southeasterly low level jet between typhoon and West Pacific subtropical high is evidently characterized by supergeostrophic wind, and it is a key system for the typhoon torrential rain over North China. The Q-vector analysis shows that the regions where Q is convergent coincide with torrential rainfall area