
Estimation of Aerodynamic Parameters on Non-single Horizontal Homogeneous Underlying Surface

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了一种利用单一高度风速、温度湍流资料确定空气动力学参数的方法。该方法无须进行风速廓线的测量,可以应用于非单一水平均匀下垫面和非中性层结,避免了主观性。用该方法计算了北京城市北部边缘325 m气象塔附近的零值位移d和地表粗糙 z0。结果表明:该处下垫面零值位移d和地表粗糙度z0与风向有很强的依赖关系,与气象塔周围的城市建设相对应。


    Abstract: The method to estimate aerodynamic parameters with only velocity and temperature fluctuation data is applied to non-homogeneous surfaces and non-neutral stratification. The turbulence data measured in Beijing Meteorological Tower which is 325 m high are used to determine the zero plane displacement d and surface roughness z0. It is shown that the d and z0 are considerable dependent on wind direction


