
High Resolution Limited Area Operational Numerical Prediction Model and Precipitation Forecast Experiment

  • 摘要: 该文介绍了国家气象中心在原业务有限区模式基础上开发的一个新的高分辨率有限区模式(HLAFS)。该模式除分辨率提高外,其主要改进表现在:(1)增加了地面土壤过程、地面辐射过程、地面摩擦及边界层垂直湍流输送;(2)积云对流参数化方案改用质量通量方案取代了原来的Kuo方案。文章还对模式的准业务运行结果作了较全面地评述。


    Abstract: Based on the original operational limited area model, a new high resolution limited area model was developed and started operational run on May 15, 1996. Besides the increasements of horizontal resolution, the main improvements in the model are: (1) introduction of more reasonable physical processes, such as soil process, the budget of radiation on surface, surface friction and vertical diffusion in PBL; (2) Kuo scheme is replaced by mass flux scheme in the cumulus convection parameterization. The results of quasi-operational run are reviewed completely


