
Short-term Climatic Change of Antarctic Ozone

  • 摘要: 利用1957~1992年南极地区大气臭氧总量地面观测站资料,对南极地区臭氧的时空变化特征进行了研究。结果表明,虽然近35年来南极地区的大气臭氧有较明显的减小趋势,但在不同地区、时段和季节,其变化趋势也不同。近年来南极地区大气臭氧的显著亏损,主要是由南极臭氧洞的形成和发展所造成的。南极地区的大气臭氧存在明显的年振荡、准20个月和准30个月的振荡周期。臭氧变化与天文日照、平流层温度场、平流层冰晶云及人类活动排放到大气中的氟氯烃和溴化烃等污染物质有关。


    Abstract: The spatial-temporal variations of Antarctic ozone are studied by using the surface-observed data of Antarctic ozone from 1957 to 1992. The results show that during the last 35 years the mean total ozone in Antarctic has an obvious decreasing trend, but in different regions, periods and seasons, there are great differences for the ozone variable trend. In recent years the ozone discrepancy in Antarctic is caused by the formation and development of Antarctic ozone hole. There exist obvious annual oscillation periods, quasi-20 and quasi-30 months for Antarctic ozone. The ozone variations are in close relationship with astronomical sunshine, stratospherical temperature field, polar stratospherical ice crystal clouds and presence of man-made CFCs and halons, etc


