
The Effects of Basic Flow on the Equatorial Rossby Waves and Gravity Waves

  • 摘要: 应用考虑基本气流作用的赤道β平面线性模式,分析了基本气流对赤道Rossby波和重力波的影响。分析表明,基本西风气流中西传的赤道Rossby波和西传重力波仍有混合现象,基本西风气流将使Rossby波出现不稳定增长,而基本东风气流中的Rossby波和重力波是完全可分的。


    Abstract: An equatorial β-plane linear model with basic flow was used to study the effects of basic flow on the equatorial waves. The results show that the equatorial Rossby wave and the gravity wave are still mixed in westerlies for n=0, but they are separated completely in easterlies, and the instable growth of the equatorial Rossby wave may occur in westerkies under some conditions


