日光温室蔬菜栽培中人工增施CO2 技术

Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Technique in Greenhouse Vegetable Culture

  • 摘要: 根据国内外试验资料及近几年在河南省日光温室蔬菜栽培中进行人工CO2施肥的试验示范和应用推广的技术成果,对CO2温室人工施肥的增产机理、适宜气源、适宜浓度和每天适宜施放时间、适宜施放量的定量估算方法、适宜施放方式等重要技术问题和配套栽培措施进行了分析,以期有助于提高农用CO2的开发利用效率和温室生产力。


    Abstract: Based on the experiment data at home and abroad and the experimental results of CO2 enrichment in the greenhouse vegetable culture in Henan Province, the increasing yield mechanism of CO2, ideal CO2 source, optimum CO2 enrichment concentration and daily enrichment time, calculating method of daily optimum CO2 enrichment quantity and reasonable enrichment model are analysed in order to increase CO2 exploitation and utilization efficiency in agriculture and raise vegetable productivity in greenhouse


