
A Tornado Type Severe Storm — Report of Detailed Analysis on Hongqili Tornado 19 April 1995

  • 摘要: 1995年4月19日13:00至21:00,一次范围较广的强对流天气过程波及了肇庆、佛山、顺德、南海、番禺、中山市等地。广州雷达站探测了这一过程,并取得了较为完整的雷达资料。该文主要对受灾严重的番禺市万顷沙地区龙卷风进行剖析,所得结果表明:(1)该龙卷是反气旋式龙卷,实属罕见;(2)尺度属微尺度—小尺度范围(120~4000 m)(3)与该龙卷伴随的风暴单体生命史长达4~5小时;(4)计算出的该龙卷风的破坏力以及龙卷环流等参量与Dellas、Fargo等龙卷风所得出的参量的量级比较一致。


    Abstract: A strong convective process involved an extensive area covering Zhaoqing, Foshan, Shunde, Nanhai, Panyu, Zhongshan and many other cities form 13 : 00 to 21 : 00 on 19 April 1995. The whole process was observed and complete radar data were obtained in Guangzhou Radar Observatory. The detailed analysis was made for the tornadic storm over Wanqingsha area. The results show that: (1) it is a rare anticyclonic tornado, (2) its scale belongs to the range of micro-small scale (1200 ~ 4000 m), (3) the life time of the accompanied storm cell is as long as 4~5 h, and (4) the calculated parameters such as tornado strength and tornado circulation are in the same order as those of Dellas, Fargo, et al


