
A Method of the Remote Sensing Techniques of Rice Yield Estimation

  • 摘要: 该文利用NOAA/AVHRR空间覆盖度宽、资料获取时次多的特点,寻求预测北方一季稻产区水稻产量的最佳时期,利用植被指数建立水稻单产的预报模式,遥感估算水稻种植面积。研究表明,利用卫星遥感手段对水稻进行估产的精度高于常规农业气象模式,又可提高预报时效。


    Abstract: Based on NOAA/AVHRR characteristics of wide-ranging space coverage and frequent data reception, the best estimation time of forecasting rice yield in North China is explored, the forecasting model about per unit area yield is set up by using vegetable index, and rice planting area is estimated by remote sensing. The studying results for two years show that by means of satellite remote sensing to estimate rice yield, the forecasting accuracy is higher than that for the normal agrometeorological model forecasting, and the period of validity is improved.


