
Comparison Between Total Cloudiness from Satellite Cloud Pictures and Ground Observations over China

  • 摘要: 根据国际卫星云气候学计划(ISCCP)的总云量和地面总云量资料,分析并讨论了两者在我国的空间分布和单站年变化中的相关性和差异性,对比了两种总云量的全国分布形势。结果指出,在总趋势大致相似的前提下,卫星总云量图能更好地揭示青藏高原、塔克拉玛干沙漠以及沿海地区的云气候特征。最后还就青藏高原总云量分布特点作了分析。


    Abstract: Based on the total cloudiness of ISCCP and ground observations, their correlativity and difference in space distribution and annual variation at single station over China are discussed, and the distribution of two kinds of total cloudiness are compared. The results show that although their general trends are about the same, the satellite cloud pictures can better reveal the cloud climatic features in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Taklimakan desert and coastal areas. Morever, the distribution features of total cloudiness over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are analysed


