
Estimation of Evapotranspiration of Trees and Adaptive Faculty of Water in Arid and Subarid Regions of Gansu Province

  • 摘要: 采用张宝堃和H.L.彭曼的气候学方法,对甘肃干旱半干旱区各县、市林木生长期的蒸散耗水量进行了估算,并与实测和调查资料进行了对比,结果表明:两种估算值大致可反映乔木薪炭林和乔木用材林生长对水分的需求。文中还给出了各县、市年和日平均气温≥10℃期间的实际水资源。根据各地林木生长期的耗水量指标和实际水资源,采用实际湿润度方法确定了各地不同气候植被区林木的水分适生度。


    Abstract: Using Zhang Baokun and H. L. Penman’s climatological method, the evapotranspiration of tree growing seasons is estimated in every county and city of arid and subarid regions of Gansu Province, and compared with the observed and investigated data. The results show that the two kinds of estimations could present the water requirements of fuel forest and timber forest, and the actual water resource regime are given when mean annual and daily temperature are higher than or 10 ℃ in various locations.Based on the water consumption indices of tree growing seasons and the actual water resource regime, the water adaptive faculty of trees in different climate and vegetation regions is determined using the actual wettability method


