
Synthetical Indexes of the Disaster of Snow Cover

  • 摘要: 该文通过分析白灾的主要成灾因素,指出积雪掩埋牧草影响家畜采食是主要的致灾因子,积雪深度、牧草丰歉、牲畜体况、草地载畜状况、白灾持续时间以及承灾力的大小都对灾情有重大影响。文章还给出了全面考虑各影响因子作用的白灾成灾综合指数


    Abstract: By analyzing the main factors of snow damage, it is known that the snow cover burying the fodder grass is the most important disaster-causing factor, and other factors such as the depth of snow cover, a good or bad yield of grass, the physical condition and head of livestocks feeding on grass farm, the duration of snow cover are also associated with the extent of snow disaster. Therefore, a synthetical index of snow disaster is proposed.


