
Researches on the Influence of Parameterization of Physical Process on Modeling Typhoon and Its Dynamical Structure

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了国家气象中心的台风路径数值预报模式(以下简称台风模式),在不同物理过程参数化下的数值试验及其结果的诊断分析。对1992年第10号热带气旋和1996年第8号热带气旋个例的数值试验结果表明,该模式能较好地预报热带气旋移动路径和登陆地点,且考虑复杂物理过程的台风模式较简单过程的模式能更好地描述热带气旋中心附近高低层的热力状况。研究还发现,500或700 hPa湿位涡第一项MPV1负值中心的绝对值大小的变化可反映热带气旋的强弱;且850 hPa上升运动最大中心的位置对未来6~12 h热带气旋的移向有较好


    Abstract: The numerical experiments and their diagnostic analyses of the NMC’s typhoon track numerical prediction model, with different parameterization scheme of physical processes were presented. The numerical experiments on Janis (1992) and Herb (1996) typhoons showed that tracks and their landfall locations could be well simulated by this model. Moreover, by using the model with the improved parameterization scheme of physical processes, the thermal regime on high and low level nearby the typhoon center could be better described than that in the original one. Meanwhile, the results from the diagnostic analyses of both the real and simulated typhoon exhibited that the absolute value of first term of MPV1 at 500 or 700 hPa was well related to the intensity of the typhoon. Moreover, the location of the pressure energy and the ascending motion center could indicate the direction of the typhoon’s movement in the next 6~12 hours. Furthermore, results from analyzing 3D thermodynamic structure and the wind field across the typhoon centre showed that the process of strong ascending motion→condensing of warm and moist air→releasing of latent heat→increasing of the temperature→divergence at the high level→dropping of surface pressure→stronger convergence at low level→ascending motion may be a positive feedback mechanisim which caused the typhoon moving forwards to the strong convergence ascending motion area.


