
Regional Characteristics of Drought Anomalies in North China

  • 摘要: 利用1951~1996年月降水量和气温资料,以降水量为主,兼顾底墒及蒸发状况,定义了华北地区24站春、夏季干旱指数。区域及单站干旱指数的代表性分析表明,该干旱指数可以真实、客观地反映该区的干旱状况。文中还采用了方差极大旋转经验正交函数,分离出春季干旱的3个主要类型和夏季旱涝的4个主要类型。另外,对空间模的极大值中心所表示的含义也进行了讨论。


    Abstract: Drought indices of spring and summer for 24 stations in North China were defined by using the monthly precipitation and temperature data during 1951~1996, considering soil moisture and evaporation. The analysis of drought indices for the whole region and individual stations showed that the indices can display drought anomolies objectively. By using rotated empirical orthogonal function analysis, based on the principle of maximum variance, three regional patterns of spring drought and four regional patterns of summer drought were divided. Furthermore, the meteorological meaning of the maximum centers for the various spatial rotated modes was also discussed.


