Analysis of GMS-5 Water Vapor Images During Torrential Rain of Meiyu in June 1995
摘要: 文章利用GMS-5水汽图像及常规资料,分析1995年6月中旬至7月初梅雨期暴雨的水汽图像特征,指出水汽羽与强降水的关系,并概括出梅雨期暴雨的水汽图像概念模型。Abstract: The characteristics of water vapor images of torrential rain during the period of Meiyu from middle June to early July of 1995 are analysed by using GMS-5 water vapor images and conventional data. The relationship between water vapor plumes and severe rainfall events is given and the conceptual model of water vapor images of torrential rain during the period of Meiyu is summarized.