
Kinetic Energy Analyses of the Formation and Maintenance Processes of East Asian Blocking High in Summer

  • 摘要: 用波数域动能方程分析了1986年夏季东亚阻塞高压的形成、维持和衰退过程。发现该夏季代表阻塞高压的波动是5波(长波),而不是2波(超长波)。在阻高形成和维持阶段,波与波非线性相互作用向5波输送动能,使5波动能增大;而波与平均流的相互作用则使5波动能减小。在阻高维持阶段,有效位能向5波转换动能,维持阻高。波与平均流的相互作用却使5波维持。在阻高衰退阶段则完全相反,波与波相互作用项以及有效位能与动能转换项均为负值,使5波动能变小,阻高衰退。而波与平均流相互作用,却使高纬西风减小,有利阻高维持。


    Abstract: The formation, maintenance and decay processes of blocking high over East Asia in summer of 1986 are analysed by kinetic energy equations with various wave-number domains. It is found that the representative wave number of blocking high is wave-number 5 in the case, which is in the long wave domain, not wave-number 2. During the formation and maintenance stages of blocking episodes, the kinetic energy at wave-number 5 increases through the wave-wave nonlinear interaction and decreases through the wave-mean flow interaction. During the maintenance stage, the available poteneial energy at wave-number 5 is transformed into kinetic energy as to maintain the blocking. These physical processes are reversed in the decay stage, but the wave-mean flow interaction leads to the decreasing of westerlies in the high latitude, and maintaining the blocking high.


