
Mesoscale Analysis of Causes for “96.8” Extreme Torrential Rain of Hebei Province

  • 摘要: 该文用卫星云图和常规气象资料,分析了1996年8月3~5日河北省的特大暴雨过程。分析认为:这次特大暴雨出现在东亚强经向环流形势下的副高西北部边缘特定的有利地区,主要受两个中尺度云团的直接影响。该云团的形成和发展,是偏南风低空急流与华北北部南下的近地面层弱冷空气相互作用的结果。


    Abstract: The cause of the extreme torrential rain event which occurred in Hebei Province during 3~5 August 1996 has been analysed using satellite and conventional data. The results show that this event appeared in favorable area nearby northwestern side of subtropical high under strong meridional circulation, and it was caused by two mesoscale convective cloud clusters directly. The interaction between the southern low level jet and weaker cold air of ground layer from northern North China led to initiation and development of the cloud clusters.


