
Study of Negative Effects in Artificial Precipitation Enhancement Experiments

  • 摘要: 该文对人工增雨试验中出现的反效果(减雨)现象及其发生的条件和原因作了概要的评述和分析。根据实例分析,指出人工增雨作业中不适当的催化对象、不适当的催化剂和催化剂量以及不适当的催化部位和催化时机都有可能导致无效或减雨的反效果。在开展人工增雨作业时,应力求在作业有关的各环节提高科学性、减少盲目性,以提高人工增雨实效。文章还简要探讨了人工削弱局地暴雨的可能性,指出这是一个值得认真探索的具有重大潜在社会和经济效益的研究领域。


    Abstract: The evidence of negative effects in the artificial precipitation enhancement experiments in the past and the caused conditions and reasons have been analysed and reviewed briefly. It is shown that the zero or negative effects may be caused by the unsuitable synoptic situation and cloud selection criteria, inappropriate seeding agent and delivery technique. Therefore, the suitable targeting cloud selection, appropriate seeding agent and delivery technique in the cloud seeding operations are needed for precipitation enhancement. The possibility of crippling local heavy rain artificially has been also explored based on the inspiration from the appearance of negative effects mentioned above, showing that is an interesting research field with great potential social and economical benefits


