
Analysis on the Variation Trend of Sandstorm in Northern China

  • 摘要: 通过对气象资料、生态环境、典型沙尘暴天气过程的沙尘气溶胶物理化学特征、沙尘暴移动的空气质点轨迹及其它有关因素的分析,讨论了我国北方沙尘暴多发地区张掖、永昌、民勤、中卫和北京的沙尘暴发生趋势,初步得出自50年代至1992年,上述地区沙尘暴发生次数呈减少、强度呈减弱趋势,这可能与下垫面生态环境的改善有关。


    Abstract: By analyzing the historical meteorological data, ecological environment situation, physical and chemical characteristics of sandstorm aerosol in typical sandstorm process, air particle trajectory of moving sandstorm and other features, the occurring trends of sandstorm-frequent areas including Zhangye, Yongchang and Minqin of Gansu Province, Zhongwei of Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region and Beijing are discussed. A preliminary conclusion is obtained that from the end of 1950s to 1992, the frequency of sandstorm occurring and their intensities in the areas mentioned above are decreased, which may be associated with the improvement of surface ecological environment situation.


