
Infiltrating Test on Artificial Simulated Torrential Rain in Shanghai Vegetable Area

  • 摘要: 根据水量平衡原理,采用人工模拟降雨入渗实验装置,对上海新老菜区土壤进行不同墒情状态下的多种雨强人工模拟降雨入渗试验,获取了上海菜区代表性土壤的暴雨入渗过程动态实验数据和入渗基本参数,并分析了土壤水分变化规律,可作为上海菜区开展暴雨雨涝灾情评估的依据,对类似土壤条件的长江流域平原地区菜田,也有一定的参考价值。


    Abstract: According to the principle of water amount balance, the infiltrating tests of artificial simulated precipitation in various precipitation intensity and soil humidity conditions are made in Shanghai old and new vegetable areas, and the dynamic experimental data in infiltrating process of torrential rain and fundamental parameters and law of infiltration are obtained, and the law of soil moisture variation is analysed, which could be used as the foundation of the evaluation for torrential rain disaster.


