
Preliminary Research on Fire Weather Grade Standards in Wuhan City

  • 摘要: 通过对武汉市1980~1991年逐日火灾与气象资料的相关分析,发现火灾率与相对湿度呈负相关,与气温日较差、连旱天数、最大风速呈正相关,与当天降雨量不相关。通过权重系数法分季建立火灾率多因子综合预报方程,并制订合理的火险天气等级划分标准。经回代和试报检验表明,3级以上中、高火险日数少,但对火灾概括率高。


    Abstract: By use of correlation analysis of the daily data of fire and meteorological conditions from 1980 to 1991, it is found that fire occurring frequency (Y) has a negative correlation with relative humidity, a positive correlation with daily range of air temperature, continuous arid days and maximum wind speed, and no relation with rainfall on the same day. The synthetic, multifactors forecast equations are set up by using weighting coefficient method and the reasonable fire weather grade standards are built up for each season, respectively. By the verifications of fitting and experimental prediction, the results show that the fire hazard events with mid and high grades would occur seldom (few days), but there is high generality for fire


