
Construction of Mean Annual Temperature Series for the Last One Hundred Years in China

  • 摘要: 该文根据气温观测,并利用敦德及古里雅冰芯资料及有关史料、树木年轮资料,得到了东北、华北、华东、华南、台湾、华中、西南、西北、新疆、西藏10个区1880~1996年的年平均气温序列。然后根据每个区的面积加权平均得到代表中国的气温序列。根据这个序列,1880~1996年增温为0.44℃/100a,显著高于过去对中国气候变暖的估计值0.09℃/100a。这主要是因为新计算的中国气温包括了我国西部地区,而那里在上世纪末到本世纪初气温显著偏低。另外本世纪90年代的迅速增暖也加强了这个趋势。


    Abstract: Mean annual temperature series from 1880 to 1996 were constructed for ten regions: Northeast, North, East, South, Taiwan, Southcentral, Southwest, Northwest, Xinjiang and Tibet on the basis of temperature observations, documentary data, ice core data and tree-ring data. A series of temperature in China was obtained by average of the ten regional series in considering area size of the region. The temperature series shows more significant warming trend in the last one hundred years (0.44℃/100a), which is much greater than that obtained in 1990 (0.09℃/100a). This is because the new series includes Xinjiang and Tibet regions, where the temperature was quite low in the later of last century and early of this century. Furthermore, the trend was also increased by the rapid warming in 1990s.


