Synthesizing Dynamic Cloud Pictures with Double Time Level GMS/IR Data
摘要: 数值化动态云图是一种在保留常规云图的基本信息的基础上,增加同窗定量化显示中尺度对流系统(MCS)静态与动态特征功能的新型云图,它比通常的GMS-IR云图具有更多的信息荷载,更丰富的信息内含与更好的实用性。文中提出了以双时次GMS/IR通道数据合成数值化动态云图的技术原理和技术模式。Abstract: The technical principle and model for synthesizing numerical dynamic cloud picture with double time level GMS/IR data are given. Numerical dynamic cloud picture is a new kind of cloud picture which has the function of displaying both the static and dynamic features of Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) quantitatively, and it is has richer messages than the conventional GMS/IR cloud picture, therefore, it is much more valuable in practice