
Analysis of the Environmental Conditions for Forming Mesoscale Convective Complexes in Southern North China

  • 摘要: 文章通过1996年7月30日中尺度对流复合体(MCC)的诊断分析,对盛夏华北南部集中出现MCC的原因进行了探讨。指出:华北南部MCC产生于控制黄淮上空的带状副热带高压西北部边缘。低空的暖湿偏南气流在静止锋上被强迫抬升,引起中尺度对流云团不断新生、合并,是MCC生成的主要机制。而华北南部地区西靠太行山脉、东临黄海和渤海的地理环境有利于高温区在这一带形成,以及鲁中山区的阻滞作用有利于地面静止锋形成、加强,则是MCC集中出现于华北南部的重要地方性因素。


    Abstract: According to the diagnostic analysis of MCC on July 30, 1996, the cause for MCC occurring concentrately in southern North China in midsummer was discussed. It is shown that MCC in southern North China was formed in the northwestern margin of the zonality subtropical high controlling over the Huanghe-Huaihe River basin. It was the main mechanism in forming MCC that the southern low-level warm-wet air current was forced to raise over the stationary front which caused the regenerating and combining of mesoscale convective cloud cluster continually. The geographical environment in southern North China, nearby the east of Taihang mountains and by the west of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, was favourable to form the high temperature zone in these areas and the preventing action of Central Shandong Mountains was benefit to form and intensify the surface stationary front. These important local factors caused MCC emerging concentrately in southern North China


