
Analysis the Cloud Properties Using NOAA/AVHRR Data

  • 摘要: 文章利用NOAA卫星AVHRR的通道3(3.55~3.93 μm)、通道4(10.3~11.3 μm)和通道5(11.5~12.5 μm)所在波长上的亮温(BT3,BT4,BT5)以及它们之间的亮温差(BTD34,BTD45),分析云的性质。分析表明:对于密蔽的云和无云区,通道间亮温差有极小值,在密实的云区BTD34可出现负值;当存在半透明云时,通道间亮温差大;云与背景地面之间温差点聚图的振幅越大,通道间亮温差越大。


    Abstract: The brightness temperature (BT) of NOAA/AVHRR CH3 (3.55~3.93μm), CH4 (10.3~11.3μm) and CH5 (11.5~12.5μm) and their differences between CH3 and CH4 (BTD34) and between CH4 and CH5 (BTD45) can be used to analyze the cloud properties. It is shown that in the case of opaque cloud or cloudless, BTD (BTD34 or BTD45) has a minimum value, in the case of dense cloud, BTD34 would be negative, and while cloud is semitransparent, BTD has bigger value. Moreover, the BTD between channels would be bigger with increasing amplitude of temperature difference scatter diagram between cloud and background surface.


