EM 对稻田甲烷排放抑制作用的初步研究

Preliminary Study on the Suppression Effect of EM on Methane Emissions in Paddy Fields

  • 摘要: 该文主要讨论采用有效微生物菌剂(Effective Microorganisms)抑制稻田甲烷气体排放的试验结果。试验表明:第一年中抑制作用明显,平均在59%以上,并且使负通量(即稻田成为吸收大气中CH4的汇)的出现频率增加。这可能是EM中含有的光合细菌作用所致。试验还表明使用EM时可以取代化肥使产量增加。


    Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the experimental results of the suppression effect on methane gas (CH4) released from the paddy field by the Effective Microorganism (EM), and the results show that the suppression effect was more remarkable, averagely more than 59% being decreased in the first year. Moreover, the frequency of negative flux which represents the paddy field as the sink to absorb CH4 from atmosphere increased. It may result from the action of photosynthetic bacteria contained in EM. Furthermore, the experiment revealed that the EM could get a raise in yield of crop without chemical fertilizer.


