
Characteristics of Turbulent Diffusion in Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Different Underlying Surfaces

  • 摘要: 利用海洋、戈壁、城郊和城市4种不同下垫面上的湍流观测资料,运用多尺度湍流概念和方法计算分析了风速谱和扩散参数等湍流特征量。结果表明:下垫面的粗糙度对大气边界层湍流特征影响很大,随着粗糙度的增大,速度谱的峰值频率向高频方向移动,扩散参数增大。


    Abstract: Based on the turbulent observational data of four kinds of different underlying surfaces including sea, gobi, suburb and city areas, some characteristics for turbulent velocity spectra and diffusion parameter are analysed by using the multi-scale turbulence theory and method. The results show that the roughness of underlying surface has great influence on the turbulence characteristics of atmospheric boundary layer, with the increasing of roughness the peak frequency of velocity spectra would shift to high frequency area, and diffusion parameter would increase.


