
Impact of the Intensive Observational Data from the Typhoon Experiments on NWP

  • 摘要: 采用国家气象中心(NMC)有限区同化预报系统(HLAFS)和华北区域分析预报系统(NCAFS)的基本方案,选择“八五”期间台风试验期进行陆地测站特殊加密观测的两个台风个例作数值天气预报(NWP)试验,探讨这些资料在NWP中的作用。试验结果表明:陆地测站加密地面观测资料,对NMC的NWP系统的预报,尤其在较高分辨率情况下,具有较明显的改进作用。


    Abstract: Based on the basic schemes of the High-resolution Limited-area Assimilation Forecast System (HLAFS) and North China Analysis and Forecast System (NCAFS) developed by National Meteorological Center (NMC), the experiments of Numerical Weather Prediction (NMP) for the cases of typhoons No. 9216 and No. 9406 are made using the intensive observational data of these periods. The experimental results show that the intensive observational data of ground stations could make great improvement for the forecast of NWP system of NWC, especially in the case of high resolution.


