GIS 在上海蔬菜生产资源评价与合理布局中的应用
Application of GIS to the Evaluation of Vegetable Production Resources and Its Rational Arrangement in Shanghai
摘要: 运用地理信息系统(GIS)软件ARC/INFO,针对上海郊区各乡镇气候、土壤、区位、技术、承灾能力、水污染等方面进行综合评价,得到上海蔬菜生产优势区域,可为蔬菜基地规划、菜地迁移和蔬菜生产提供有效参考。Abstract: GIS software ARC/INFO is used for synthetical evaluation of the vegetable production resources including climate, soil, fields location, disasterbearing capacity, production technique and water pollution in the suburbs of Shanghai, and the regions for better developing the vegetable production have been selected. Furthermore, the effective referential information has been given in the planning, movement of vegetable base and vegetable production.