
Estimation and Analysis for Air-sea Fluxes of Heat and Moisture over the Neighbouring Seas of China

  • 摘要: 使用长年代、高质量海洋气象观测资料,选用适合研究海域的计算参数,按2°×2°网格计算了中国邻海(黄、渤、东、南海及140°E以西西北太平洋)辐射平衡和海-气热量、水汽通量,讨论了它们的年、月分布和时空变化,并以海面热量净收支为主要指标进行了海洋气候区划。


    Abstract: Based on the long-term (1931—1979) and high qualitative marine observational data set and selecting appropriate parameters to the study areas, the air-sea fluxes of heat, moisture and different components of oceanic heat budget over the neighbouring seas of China were computed on a regular 2°×2° latitude/longitude grid and the yearly and monthly distributions and spatial-temporal variations of them were analyzed. According to the heat net budget of the surface, the marine climatic compartments were made.


