
The Retrieval of the Horizontal Divergence Field from A Single Doppler Radar Velocity Field

  • 摘要: 该文提出了在极坐标下从单多普勒雷达速度场计算散度的方法。此方法可以直接利用多普勒速度计算极坐标散度中的径向散度项和径向移动项,而无需作任何假定。只有在计算切向散度项时需要在一定的假定下先反演出切向速度。误差分析表明,反演误差比散度小一个量级。对一次冷锋过程的散度反演试验表明,极坐标散度反演方法可用于分析中尺度天气系统。


    Abstract: Polar coordinate divergence method is one retrieving divergence from single Doppler radar velocity data in the polar coordinate. Using this method, we can retrieve the components of radial divergence and radial movement without any assumption. Only when calculating the component of tangential divergence, an assumption of a constant wind field within a small sector region is required to retrieve the tangential velocity. The error analysis shows that the calculating error is about one order of magnitude smaller than the retrieved divergence. A retrieving test of divergence is made in a cold front process. The result shows that the method cold be applied in the analysis of mesoscale system.


