
Several Problems on Oceanography Linked with Climatic Variability

  • 摘要: 围绕着海洋环流与气候变率的联系,概述了近年来有关温盐环流输送带路径、海洋环流在地球气候系统的热平衡和水循环中的作用、大洋温盐环流的稳定性和变率对气候的影响等方面的研究成果。


    Abstract: Recent diagnostic studies associated with the world ocean circulation and its link to climatic variability are reviewed. The following problems are discussed: the great world ocean conveyor, the role of the word ocean circulation in the heat balance of the planetary climate, the role of the world ocean conveyor in the global water cycle, and the impact of stability and variability of the thermohaline circulation on climatic variability.


