
Comparative Study on Two Kinds of Disaster Cloud Clusters over North China

  • 摘要: 运用卫星云图、常规资料以及数值预报分析产品,分析了1998年夏季华北地区出现的强灾害性雷暴云团和暴雨云团。结果指出:它们的形成、发展条件及移动方式,均有着显著的不同特征;卫星云图与其它资料结合,是监测和预报这两类云团的有效途径。


    Abstract: The cloud clusters of severe disaster thunderstorm and torrential rain occurring over North China during the summer in 1998 are studied using satellite cloud pictures, conventional data and NWP analysis products. The results show that there are obvious differences for the two kinds of cloud clusters in the environmental conditions of their formation, development and moving model; Satellite cloud pictures combined with other data should be the effective way to monitor and predict the two kinds of cloud clusters.


