
Comparison Between Observational Data and Grid Data of Precipitation for the Last One hundred Years in China

  • 摘要: 将Hulme的全球陆地格点化降水资料在中国陆地区域内同测站值进行了对比分析。结果表明,格点化资料能较好地描述降水场的大尺度特征,40多个格点值序列代表了全国近200个测站记录,并具有较高的时空覆盖率。当仅对中国区域内的降水进行分析时,为使资料的代表性更好,需对位于国界附近和沿海地区格点的序列值进行必要的修正。


    Abstract: The global grid data of land precipitation are compared with observational data in China. It is shown that the grid data are good to describe the large-scale features of rainfall field. More than 40 grid datasets which have higher spatial and temporal coverage can represent the data about 200 stations. When using grid data to analyse the precipitation in China, it is necessary to modify the grid series near the border and coastal area in China in order to have a better representativeness for data.


