
The Monitoring Method and Model of Deep Soil Layer Moistures by Remotely Sensed Data

  • 摘要: 该文以热惯量法为基础,在EPPL7地理信息系统(GIS)的支持下,考虑土壤质地的影响,探讨了利用NOAA/AVHRR遥感资料估算深层土壤水分的方法和模型。结果表明:表层土壤水分与深层土壤水分之间有较好的非线性关系,可以用遥感得到的表层土壤水分去估算深层土壤水分,且效果优于直接分层建立统计模型。


    Abstract: By using NOAA/AVHRR remotely sensed data, the monitoring method and model of deep soil layer moisture with GIS technology based on thermal inertia are developed. The results show that the effects of the deep soil layer moistures calculated from soil surface moistures obtained by remote sensing are better than those in establishing a statistical model directly by distinguishing soil layers, a good nonlinear relation exists between the soil surface layer moisture and deep soil layer moisture.


