
Analysis of the Source region and Variation of Surface SO2 at Lin’an Station

  • 摘要: 利用后向轨迹的簇分析方法,研究了1994年9、10月份不同流场条件时,临安地面SO2的变化规律。采用Lagrangian传输、扩散、沉降模式计算了中国大陆以及东部较发达的几个区域对临安地面SO2的贡献。与实际观测资料对比表明,模式能够较好地模拟出临安地面SO2的浓度量级和变化趋势。同时,模式结果也表明,作为区域污染背景监测站,临安站观测的SO2浓度大小及变化趋势能反映中国东部发达地区SO2的浓度水平。


    Abstract: Baskward trajectory cluster analysis is used to determine the source regions and variation of surface SO2 at Lin’an regional background station under different weather conditions in Sep. and Oct. 1994. Furthermore, by using Lagrangian transport, dispersion and deposition model, the contributions from different areas to surface SO2 concentrations at Lin’an station are calculated. In comparison with the observations, it is shown that the model could be well to simulate the variations of surface SO2 at Lin’an. Meanwhile, it is also shown that the concentrations and variations of surface SO2 observed at Lin’an station could reflect those of eastern China.


