
Reduction for the Overspeed of Cup Anemometer

  • 摘要: 该文基于对风杯风速仪动力方程的数值计算和风杯风速仪与超声风速仪平行对比的观测结果,发现专用于近地面层精细风廓线测量的轻型低阈值风杯风速仪测风的过高效应引起的u-error约为1%,因风速平均方法不同(标量平均和矢量平均)引起的DP-error是风杯风速仪测风过高的主要原因,在小风情况下更为明显。DP-error经修正后可获得合理的风速值。


    Abstract: Based on an equation of the dynamic response of cup anemometer and the contrast observations between cup anemometer and sonic anemometer, It is shown that u-error caused by the overspeed of cup anemometer is about 1% and data processing error (DP-error) associated with cup anemometer is the most important one because of distinct calculated methods (vector mean and scalar mean). After the reduction for DP-error, the rational wind speed values could be obtained.


