Solitary Waves of the Barotropic Quasi-geostrophic Model with Large-scale Orography
摘要: 该文由修正过的含大地形的准地转正压模式方程出发,考虑青藏高原大地形的实际情况,忽略其东西向地形坡度,再利用约化摄动方法,求其孤立波解,并得到结论:当基本气流无切变时,地形是产生Rossby孤立波的必要因子。Abstract: Starting from a modified barotropic quasi-geostrophic model equation, considering the actual situation of the large-orography of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, neglecting its east-west slope, the solitary waves are obtained using reductive perturbation method. The results show that the orography is an essential factor to excite Rossby solitary waves in basic flow without shear.