
Estimation of Albedo and Net Radiation for Maize Canopy

  • 摘要: 在1994~1996年3年田间试验的基础上,根据玉米生长状况及其冠层特征,选取包括植株高度、平均叶面积密度、农田覆被率等植物特征量组成的植物参数——综合植被系数来描述玉米冠层状况,并以此为因子来估算玉米冠层的反射率和净辐射,取得了良好的结果。


    Abstract: According to the characteristics of maize canopy, the plant, characteristics values including height of plant, mean leaf density and the rate of farmland coverage were chosen as the plant parameters, i. e. the multiple coefficient of vegetation to describe the feature of maize canopy based on the experiments in the maize fields for three summers from 1994 to 1996. By using the multiple coefficient of vegetation as a factor, an estimation method for albedo and net radiation of maize canopy was proposed, and the good results were obtained.


